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長崎県立大学学術リポジトリ >
国際情報学部研究紀要:第1号~第16号 >
第15号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/1109

タイトル: Raising Children Bilingual from Birth
著者名: HENSLEY, Joel
著者名(別表記): ヘンスリー, ジョール
発行日: 2015年1月23日
出版者: 長崎県立大学
雑誌名: 研究紀要
号: 15
開始ページ: 9
終了ページ: 15
ISSN: 1883-8111
抄録: This paper presents an argument for raising children bilingually from birth based on recent studies. After a definition of bilingualism is established, the paper will go on to explore the research on child bilingualism and the age at which children are first exposed to multiple input languages. From the perspective of the bilingual paradox, it is then argued that raising a child bilingually does not, in fact, hinder language development. To the contrary, research is presented which indicates there exists a window of opportunity within which children can be exposed to more than one language and successfully begin developing them in parallel. Lastly, the paper argues in support of raising children bilingually from birth, with attention given to the roles of motivation and learners’ individual situations.
キーワード: bilingualism
bilingual paradox
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/1109


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