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長崎県立大学学術リポジトリ >
東アジア評論 >
第16号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/2035

タイトル: Child Suicides in the COVID-19 Pandemic:The Need to Address Mental Health
著者名: 賈, 曦
鈴木, 暁彦
著者名(別表記): JIA, Xi
SUZUKI, Akihiko
発行日: 2024年3月31日
出版者: 長崎県立大学 国際交流研究センター
雑誌名: 東アジア評論
号: 16
開始ページ: 9
終了ページ: 23
ISSN: 1883-6712
抄録: The rising number of child suicides in recent years has become a social concern, with causes such as academic underachievement and mental disorders, such as depression, dominating the statistics. The COVID-19 pandemic has also been linked to an increase in depressive tendencies due to isolation and loneliness. However, as child suicide is the result of a complex interplay of factors, it is essential that cases are carefully investigated under expert guidance. It is also important to understand the socio-economic factors, such as weakening social ties and declining self-esteem among children in Japan. It is believed that a change in adult attitudes and a major societal shift are needed to address this issue.
キーワード: 子どもの自殺
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/2035


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