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長崎県立大学学術リポジトリ >
国際情報学部研究紀要:第1号~第16号 >
第11号 >

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タイトル: 体験的に見たロシアの交渉形態に関する一考
タイトル(別表記): A Study of Russian Negotiating Behaviors Based on My Personal Experience
著者名: 徐, 賢燮
著者名(別表記): SEO, Hyun-seop
発行日: 2010年12月17日
出版者: 長崎県立大学
雑誌名: 研究紀要
号: 11
開始ページ: 313
終了ページ: 323
ISSN: 1883-8111
抄録: The author of this paper, as a professional career diplomat, spent a five-year tour at the Korea missions in Tokyo and Moscow while contacting with various types of Russian representatives, such as diplomats, journalists, intelligence officials, etc. This paper attempts to analyze the Russian negotiating behaviors mainly based on the author’s first-hand experiences acquired over the course of the aforementioned contacts. It was found that the perceptions or views of negotiation differ greatly from some of the standard Western negotiations. This difference in views of negotiation between the two countries results in different tactics and attitudes in the course of negotiations. Firstly, in general the term “negotiate” means to confer in order to come to a compromise. Nonetheless, Russians view negotiation as a struggle by other means refusing any form of compromise. They view compromise as a means by which those in inferior positions deal with those in superior ones. To them, compromising is a weakness that may be exploited. Secondly, the Russian concept of time is that it is limitless. While Koreans are noted for their desire to reach speedy conclusions, Russians have taken advantage of these traits of achievement-oriented Koreans by employing delay tactics to aggravate Korean impatience and force their counterparts to concede in order to show progress back home. Thirdly, the Russian side has shown a tendency to prefer general agreements as opposed to detailed agreements, and to interpret any loopholes or vagueness to the utmost in their favor. Russian expectations of negotiating derive from their view of the world, a view that passes through two distinctively important filters-the Marxist-Leninist ideology and political culture. It is advisable to acquire an understanding of Russian background, culture, and political system, and to build a mutual relationship of trust as reasonable negotiating partners. The author contends that knowledge of Russian negotiating behavior is helpful in understanding North Korean negotiating behavior as the two countries share a number of similarities. To conclude, negotiations with Socialist countries should be conducted with patience and from a long term perspective; and general agreements should be avoided and details be fixed to the extent possible. Last, but not least, any concession should be made on a quid pro quo basis.
キーワード: negotiation, compromise, political culture, general agreement, quid pro quo basis
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/691


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